Pilates for Golfers

Golf is a great sport for overall fitness. The golf swing requires a lot from our bodies. Club weight can tone up your arms and shoulders. Grounding yourself require your thighs and glutes to fire and the rotation through your swing can engage and tone your core.

Increasing body awareness, flexibility and core strength through Pilates can improve your game as well as offering you better coordination and help keep you injury free. 

To get started try these exercises and repeat each 5-10 times.

Starting Position Lying down on a mat with knees bent and feet flat on floor sitz bone distance apart. Arms long by your sides, palms and triceps pushing into the mat.

Pelvic Tilt - mobility & strength in the lower back & hips are very import for golfers to avoid locking the hips or getting lower back pain.

Inhale to prepare, exhale tilt pelvis towards your belly button and then inhale rolling down to neutral spine

Tailbone Curls – opens up the hip joints, works the glutes and mobilizes the spine.

Tailbone Curls start with the Pelvic Tilt

Inhale to prepare, exhale tilt pelvis towards your shoulder blades moving one vertebrae at a time off the mat and then exhale rolling down back to neutral spine

Bridge – opens up the hip joints and works the glutes.

Bridge starts with a ‘neutral spine’*

Breathe in and feel the muscles tighten and support the spine, then breathe out to lift the pelvis straight up keeping your belly button in. The ribs and hips come up at the same time pressing evenly into your heels as you rise. Press the palms and triceps into the floor and breathe in at the top then breathe out to lower the pelvis and ribcage at the same time back to neutral position on the mat.


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