Yasmin Regalado obtained variations of Classical and contemporary Pilates certifications and training since 2015. She stumbled upon the Pilates Method through research for her own personal training and strength training in 2005. Yasmin continues to teach while completing her Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science at Mercy College where her goal is to complete her doctoral degree in physical therapy. In 2023, she attended the Kathi Ross Nash workshop, gaining expertise in Variations on the Reformer, Injuries & Applications, Killer Caddy, and Leg Stretches from the Ground Up, allowing her to offer tailored, safe, and dynamic workouts for clients of all levels. Yasmin introduces her clients to a variation of the Pilates equipment during the work out moving the client from reformer, to mat, chair, tower(cadillac)and ladder barrel. She believes that is the best way to practice the Pilates method. Yasmin continues to take workshops for her Pilates education and will soon obtain her American College Sports Medicine certification to become a personal trainer. What keeps her passionate about movement is her three children.